Monday, January 9, 2012


2011 is over and I have finished a year as a missionary. I think I have to work harder on being a better missionary. The Well was a good start for the new year. It was spiritually very refreshing. I realized that I have to stop drinking the poop water and instead drink the Living Water of Jesus. Thirst is something everybody experiences, but spiritual thirst is worse than any other. It can only be quenched by Jesus. I neglected God especially the last semester and want to go back to God’s word to be able to share His word and to be strengthened by it.
My key verse for this year is Colossians 3:1 where it says, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” I want to focus on God this year, and not on work or school studies because that didn’t help me last semester. I am praying to be changed through God’s word, not just spiritually but as a whole person. I am currently praying to live by God’s word, to have a one to one bible student, to transfer to UMD in the Fall, and to succeed in school.