Thursday, February 17, 2011


What should I say. Life is hard :P And it is not a pony farm ;)
I have to do volunteer work for my English class, we also have to write a report about so don’t be wondering why in English.
I went to the YMCA, to one of their community centers for an interview and to observe. They provide after school program for children from Kindergarten to high school. The Kindergarten to 3rd grade kids even have a reading lesson with two teachers that do the work voluntarily and for free. The children mainly come to do their homework. All we have to do is help them or explain something if they don’t understand it. They seem to like it there even though it takes their only free time. Of course they also have some time to play. It was fun to be there.
I will have to go there at least three more times but I decided to go there on a regular basis. It will help the children and me.
I met a girl there, she is in 10th grade and is volunteering for the younger kids. She already has more than 300 hours I think, that is impressive. They hope that by the time she finishes high school she will have enough hours to get a scholarship. I think she should also be considered for the “Presidential Volunteer Service Award”.
This is a great opportunity to work with children that live in more unstable and poor environments. I think I will learn a lot from them.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I’m here for more than a month now, wow. Things are going well.
I moved to the sisters house last Sunday, it’s great. We just had our Saturday morning prayer with the young women here at our house. It’s nice to have three sisters around. Of course the guys wouldn’t agree with that ;)
College is OK. Easier than I thought it would be but a lot of work. And it is definitely easier than school in Germany. They don’t have very high expectations here.
We had our first real YDJ (Young Disciples of Jesus) meeting with a presentation about Nehemiah. Our theme for this semester is “Unshakable”, we will learn about all kinds of people who had an unshakable faith. Nehemiah was unshakable in the way that he sticked to his plan and build the wall and only looked up to God even when his enemies tried to destroy his plans or attack the people while they were working. He cared for the workers with compassion. He was a great man of God. Next week we will hear about “Steven” from Steve.
Well, I guess that was it.
God bless You.