Life in America is so much different from life in Germany. There is a lot I have to fight with.
1. Ants: They just appear in the kitchen and bathroom when it gets warmer outside and get into everything, they even eat flour and walk around on our toothbrushes. They also love the trash and dirty dishes. We can’t leave any food on the counter because the ants might attack it :P We will try to fight them by putting traps out for them.
2. Health insurance: I applied on January 9 and haven’t heard anything from them they don’t even give an update. I wanted to have it by February 1 and now it’s March 13. Hm, something’s wrong with that. The person I contacted about this earlier this week said he tried to call them but they said they were not available right now. He wanted to try to find out more but I haven’t heard from him since. What should I do? I can’t get very sick. I have been sick twice already and not been able to go to the doctor. But what do they care? I hope they will answer by the end of next week otherwise I will have to apply somewhere else.
3. Myself: I have to push myself to do the things I have to do. And last week was so stressful and tiring that my heartburn bothered me for several days. I was covered with school work and classes that I forgot the more important thing in my life, God. I hope that I can take more time for Bible study during the coming week since I have spring break.
But God put some great and wonderful people to my side here in America. My three sisters, Anne, Adriana and Susan. They encourage, support, care and pray for me. God couldn’t have found any better sisters for me. I am so thankful for them. They might not know what a great blessing they are to me but they are.
They cheer me up when I am down and make me happy and strengthen me with encouraging words. They give me a hug when I am sad and depressed. Now I can’t imagine a life without them. I don’t know what I would do without them. I love them. Thank you God for giving me three more sisters that accepted me just how I am.
Before I came I was afraid I would be lonely like I was when I was in New Jersey. But God knew my fear and put me in a crowded place where I would never be lonely but be encouraged. Thank you, Father! Thank you Susan, Adriana and Anne for just being there.
I also want to thank my other sisters here in America (Esther, Sarah L.P., Sarah Y., Rebekah, Sarah A., Mary, Shaina, Lata, Maria, Kisung, Hannah, Sarah B.) for your encouragement and prayer and love.
God is great and He is love!