Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mice 4


Another mice story!

John caught one yesterday! Well, we thought they were only two but guess what happened. Yes, right.

I got up this morning and went into the kitchen and what was stuck in the trap? Mouse number three, she was still alive when I entered the room and started squeeking every time I moved, poor mouse. I put it on the dust pan and brought it outside and put it in the bucket to the other mouse.

Let’s hope there are no more mice in this house.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mice 3

We caught a mouse yesterday! I put the trap right in the way, where I knew it would walk along and it worked. It was stuck on the glue. Abe just dumped it into a bucket outside. It must be dead by now, we had a lot of snow yesterday and it was freezing cold outside last night. Poor mouse.

Now there is only one more to catch.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mice 2

Well, the mouse didn’t go into the trap. But it somehow got my chocolate. I think the chocolate was lying on my desk actually it doesn’t matter, what matters is that the mouse was in my room last night!!! It can fit underneath my door, there’s a lot of room even my foot can go there. I have to find a solution for this, I don’t want this mouse to come into my room every night. By the way, I found the chocolate not far from my room (it was just a small wrapped piece of chocolate) it probably was too heavy :D

The traps were still empty this morning, they don’t look like the ones you see in “Tom and Jerry”, it’s a plastic tray that has very strong glue in it and Abe put some peanut butter on them (he said they love it but I’m not sure about that) and later he even put some mice poison on them (do they love that stuff too?).

To be continued…


I woke up in the middle of the night, not knowing it is in the middle of the night, because I thought Abraham was making noise, which is unusual. But then I looked at the clock and it was only 1am and then I heard Abe get out of his bed. Who then was walking around in the house at 1 o’clock in the morning if it wasn’t Abe? Then it came to my mind, it must have been on of the mice. I don’t know why it was so loud, it could have been caught in one of the traps and was still able to run around. Ouch!
We’ll find out later if the mouse went into the trap or what else it could have been.
Mice are a little scary, especially when you are alone at home and something makes a noise but you know just a second later it was just the mouse that is running around in the house somewhere.

Friday, January 21, 2011

College?! :O


I made it, I was able to register for classes yesterday. I’m excited but also very nervous. It’s going to be a hard time but I know that God is with me all the time and he will guide me and lead me the right way. All I have to do is trust in Him and He will give me strength and wisdom. Like the man with leprosy that came to Jesus and said: “If you are willing, you can make me clean!”, I can say: “If you are willing, help me to succeed!” I hope the first experiences won’t be too overwhelming. Just pray for me :)
Thank you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I finally found the time to write something here.
Well, actually there is not much going on right now. I’m waiting to register for classes, there were some difficulties so I couldn’t register yet. Classes start next Monday, I’m a little worried. But God will take care of everything.
We had a conference last weekend, the title was “You will shepherd my people”. It was a refreshing and relaxing conference. I realized I have to study the bible every day to prepare for the hardships that will come because otherwise it will be hard to overcome those hardships.
I’m not really good at writing and right now I don’t know what I should write about.
The house is empty, five of us (10 people live in this house) went to Asia to visit family or to attend a conference. It’s pretty quiet here, no kids are running around, screaming or laughing.
I guess that was it. More posts are going to follow.

Love, Johanna